API Reference

Configuration of Issuance Fee Split on the Client’s Account

→ Configures the split in the client’s account for the issuance fee.

Bucket Sub-account Configuration (sub-account to receive split values)

→ Creates a bucket sub-account (e.g., "a55 payment") that receives split amounts from all sub-accounts.

Configuration of External Split Account on Microcash

→ Sets up a split account on Microcash that receives funds from the bucket sub-account and makes PIX payments to the external client. This account should be configured with transfer auto_approve.

Defining Split Percentage for Each Charge

→ Defines the split percentage at the time of charge issuance.
Example: A charge of R$ 100.00 with a 70% split directed to PIX key X.

Execution of task_create_internal_transfer_available_split Routine

→ Sends all available splits to the configured bucket account.

Automatic Transfer Setup on Provider

→ Sets up automatic transfers to send the bucket account balance to Microcash.

Updating Splits to "Waiting" Status

→ All splits await transfer to Microcash with the status "waiting." This transfer is automatically handled by the provider.

Execution of scheduler task_create_transfer_waiting_split

→ Sends a PIX for all splits with "waiting" status using the balance transferred to Microcash. After sending, splits change to "issued" status.

Status Update to "Realized" with Microcash Webhook

→ When the Microcash webhook confirms the transaction, the status of the splits is updated to "realized."