API Reference

The provider_uuid is a universally unique identifier (UUID) that refers to the payment service provider that will be used to process a financial transaction. Examples of providers include Cielo, Primefy, Barte, among others. Each payment service provider has specific configurations and types of operations they can perform.

Characteristics of provider_uuid:
Unique Identification: Each payment provider is uniquely identified by a UUID, ensuring that transactions are correctly directed to the configured provider.

Multiple Providers per Account: An account can have multiple providers configured. This allows the same account to use different payment services as needed.

Specific Configurations: Each provider has its own configurations. These configurations determine how transactions are processed, what information is needed, and how communication with the provider should be handled.

Types of Operations: Providers support different types of operations. Some examples include:

  • Credit Card (credit_card): Processing payments via credit cards.
  • Pix In (pixin): Receiving payments via Pix.
  • Pix Out (pixout): Sending payments via Pix.
  • Boleto: Issuing and processing bank slips.
  • Others: Other types of financial operations supported by the provider ex: openSubAccount.

Practical Example
Suppose a company uses the following payment providers:

  • Cielo: Configured to process credit card transactions.
  • Primefy: Configured for receiving and sending payments via Pix.
  • Barte: Configured for issuing and processing bank slips.

Each of these providers will be identified by a distinct provider_uuid. When performing a transaction, the system will use the appropriate provider_uuid to ensure that the transaction is processed by the correct provider, with the right configurations and type of operation.