The payment split of a charge allows dividing the amount of a transaction among different parties
Typically based on percentages or fixed amounts. This feature is commonly used in platforms where multiple participants (like marketplaces or collaborative payment systems) need to receive a share of each transaction. Here’s how the process generally works
Setting Up the Split
Before creating a charge, you define the beneficiaries and the percentage or fixed amount each one should receive. For example, in a R$ 100 charge, you could set up 70% to go to the service provider and 30% to the platform facilitating the transaction.
Issuing the Charge with Split
When issuing the charge, you include the beneficiary details and the respective values or percentages for each party. This data informs the system how to distribute the payment as soon as it is completed.
Processing the Split
Once the charge is paid, the payment system automatically processes the split, dividing the amount according to the pre-set rules and distributing each beneficiary’s share.
Transfers to Beneficiaries
After processing, the system transfers the designated amounts to each beneficiary’s account. In many systems, this step happens automatically, while in others, there may be an additional process to release the funds.
Confirmation and Status Update
Once the transfers are completed, the system confirms that the payment was correctly distributed, updating the status of each split. This may involve webhooks or notifications to signal that the transaction has been finalized and each party has received their share.
Practical Example
If a restaurant uses a delivery platform, each paid order could generate a charge with a split like this:
Total amount: R$ 100
80% to the restaurant (R$ 80)
10% to the delivery person (R$ 10)
10% to the platform (R$ 10)
This way, each participant automatically receives their portion of the payment at the end of the transaction.
Updated 3 months ago